Thursday, March 26, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative Review

Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative ReviewThe Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative is a useful resource for aspiring students looking to improve their analytical and lab skills. It gives an overview of the basic principles that underpin this subject, as well as giving you a range of resources on tips and techniques that you can use to study and prepare for exams. The textbook also includes a section that will be very useful in the years to come.It also includes a section that will teach you the basics of the areas of science you may need to include in your future career, as well as offer you advice about taking a Physics A-level exam. Physics is particularly important because you will be exposed to many different methods of testing the validity of your work. The sections covering Chemistry and Physics will provide you with information that will help you prepare for a Chemistry A-level exam or a Physics A-level exam.The Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative is one of the better packages you can buy on the Internet because it covers almost all the essentials that you need to know, even if you are not aiming for a college or university degree. There are no troublesome surprises left out, and there are no unnecessary exercises thrown in. You don't have to worry about having to choose between study material that is more helpful to you or not, since you can choose between some useful materials, and the Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative does just that.The sections in the book cover a lot of ground, and you will learn a lot about the fundamentals of organic chemistry. You will be taught the usual topics such as molecular and nuclear structure, chemical reactions, adsorption, diffusion, and solvation. You will learn a lot about the transfer properties and the affinity for metal ions that are essential for every chemistry project.After you have learnt the foundations of organic chemistry, the sections in the book that cover the standard apparatus and instrumen ts will provide you with more information. The sections will guide you through the analysis of reactions and the distribution of various elements and compounds. You will be taught how to perform many of the common experiments that involve several items such as mixtures, acids, bases, and base solutions.The chapters that cover the synthesis of alkanes, aromatic compounds, and ketones will allow you to go back and visit the Synthetic Pathway that you have learned. The Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative does include a section that covers the design of polymers, so if you have never dealt with these before, you will have to revisit this part of the book. If you don't have time to do so, you can simply purchase the Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative and enjoy the full benefits of learning this method of making molecules.When you are ready to start studying for your Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative course, you will have a number of resources to help you. You can select from several courses, and from the conventional book and lecture materials to learn what you need to learn in order to succeed in this area of study. The Organic Chemistry Tutor Antiderivative will help you prepare to take your first Science exams and to improve your chances of success in the future.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Find the Right French Teacher

How to Find the Right French Teacher Find the Right French Tutor for Your Learning Needs ChaptersReasons to Learn FrenchWhat Qualities does a Good Teacher Embody?Points to Ponder in Seeking a TutorYou might have scoffed at the title of this article: is there such a thing as the right teacher? Isn't anyone who can speak French  a right teacher?For many reasons, the answer to that question is a resounding negative.Think about your formal schooling experience: did you like every teacher? Did you start every learning session with keen anticipation?Have you worked with teachers who are always responsive to your needs, attentive to your preferred method of learning; who are supportive and encouraging?Have you ever had a single educator who makes subject matter come alive for you?That is the type of teacher we mean when broaching the subject of the right teacher to learn French with.We certainly don't mean this type of teacher, in Houston, who starts every class with Bonjour, and then teaches French in English!Let us now embark on a journey to discover how to find the perfect F rench instructor for you.Did your school French teacher make you feel this way this little girl does? Source: Pixabay Credit: Adolf StrausHowever maligned that teacher is, he may possess qualities that every teacher should have:patienceconfidencecompassionunderstandingsupport for every student; no favouritism or deeming any student a lost causea passion for learning and for lifethe ability to see things from alternate perspectives, and explain subject matter in a different wayAs far as the Houston teacher is concerned, that last may well be his primary qualifier!Another essential quality a teacher must have is a firm grasp on his/her subject matter.That is why a non French speaker teaching the language caused such a sensation.French language instruction, like just about every other subject, can be an exercise in frustration.Imagine you are leading a classroom full of students, but only a few have any aptitude or desire to learn what you have been tasked to teach.And, mid-semester, y ou will be judged on your ability to impart knowledge, based on your students' test scores.That is why patience tops the list of desired attributes for teachers!While such scenarios may be common in secondary school French class, nothing says that the teachers leading French courses all over the country, on the Internet and perhaps even in your home would operate under similar conditions.One criterion to look for in a good French teacher is temperament.If you are looking for beginner French classes London, relying on feedback from that instructor's former students is one way to gauge his/her patience, understanding and support.The website Rate my Teachers makes it easy to get an overview of the quality of instruction you would be treated to by any given teacher on that list.But... these are all school teachers! How are you, an adult hoping for extracurricular lessons in advanced French, supposed to benefit from those reviews?Many school teachers supplement their income â€" or feed t heir passion for teaching by tutoring evening and weekends.Are you looking for a tutor for French lessons online?Points to Ponder in Seeking a TutorThere is a bit of a difference between a French teacher for your child who is still in school, and one for yourself, who are looking to gain some language skills â€" for whatever reason.Your child might need a French language teacher who knows about the demands of the National Curriculum, and will work at an age appropriate level.S/he should be able to base instruction on mandated French textbooks, and not vary too widely from what your child expects from a language learning experience.To be sure, the teacher can and should introduce new expressions and vocabulary, but should tailor French lessons to the age of student.For example, it would be inappropriate to discuss concerts and other aspects of French culture with a 7 year old.On the other hand, should you wish to master the art of  French conversation before your next holiday, discus sions of cultural activities would be most suitable.A bilingual teacher offers language learners many advantages Source: Pixabay Credit: Free-PhotosNative Speaker or Bilingual?We have a tendency to want the best for our money, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.However, when it comes to learning French, there is some debate on whether engaging a teacher whose native language is French is the best idea.Here is why:While certainly adept at speaking and understanding French, a native speaker might not have all the answers.Because people learn their native language as a matter of course, French grammar rules might be especially tricky for someone native to France to impart, no matter how educated s/he is.Also, s/he may suffer tunnel vision. Spoken French has certain aspects that are difficult for non French speakers to master, such as the guttural R, or the different sounds that accents give certain vowelsFinally: that tutor's English language skills might not be sufficient to communicate the finer points of pronunciation and grammar.How about a bilingual teacher, then? Someone who learned French as a second language?French teachers in the UK must go through rigorous training, to include proving their proficiency in French and obtaining at least a bachelor's degree.An additional requirement for potential teachers is to undergo licensure; a test in which the candidate must demonstrate his/her ability to teach effectively.All of that work and training may increase the price of your linguistic quest for fluency!A French tutor, on the other hand, is not required to seek licensing or undergo any special training before giving a French lesson.The rule of thumb for hiring a tutor is that s/he should be at minimum one level higher than yours.If you can speak basic French, for example, your tutor should be at intermediate level.In seeking out a tutor to learn the French language from, you would have to rely on the veracity of testimonials left by francophones who have benefited from his/her language courses.You can find such French course recommendations at Gumtree, Freeads and other online French learning websites.Or, you could drop in on Superprof.If you want to study French, to earn a diploma or just improve your listening comprehension, Superprof has a tutor for you.Should your concern be verb conjugation or using the right tense; whether you are looking for French immersion, Superprof tutors will guide you to becoming the francophone you always knew you could be.All you need is a Skype connection and a willingness to learn.Are you worried that your French tutor won't be the right fit?Most Superprof tutors give their first hour of lessons free, for exactly that purpose.What are you waiting for? Allons-y!Learn more about the cost of French tuition.

How to project confidence whilst introverted - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to project confidence whilst introverted - Introvert Whisperer How to project confidence whilst introverted One of the main challenges for introverts is to appear confident while feeling anything but. It’s a skill that can come naturally to our more extroverted friends and colleagues, but ‘faking it til you make it’ isn’t usually one of our strengths. However, it’s still an important skill to develop if you want to get ahead in the world of work and there are many crucial moments in life when pretending to be confident can help you get through. A lot of it comes down to body language, with simple things like posture making a huge difference to how we appear to others. Standing in a hunched pose might help us feel more secure when doing something as unnatural as public speaking, but it makes you appear as nervous as you feel, whereas open gestures give the impression of confidence and authority. Another simple gesture that makes all the difference is whether or not you have your hands in your pockets. Again, this can feel like a good way to make yourself feel safe and secure when under pressure, but your audience will just see somebody who at best looks nervous and at worst looks untrustworthy, so keep your hands out of your pockets and use them to express your points. Eye contact can be another aspect of communication that is difficult for introverts, but that can be hugely important when trying to appear confident, so try and maintain natural eye contact throughout conversations. In the same way, the temptation to speak quickly so you can get to the end sooner rather than later is obvious, but won’t help you seem like someone who is worth listening to. You can read more tips on how to project confidence in this infographic from PoundPalace, so why not try them out in less stressful situations so you can use them when it counts?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is a Tutor and What Does a Tutor Do - Private Tutoring

What is a Tutor and What Does a Tutor Do Amy W Feb 10, 2019 Find a Top Rated Reading Tutor Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Are you unsure about what is a tutor and how tutoring can help you or your child?   Dont worry, you arent alone!   We get asked that question a LOT! What is a Tutor? When it comes to achieving academic success you often hear the phrase ‘get a tutor’. This is all well and good, but it is probably useful to know what is a tutor and how tutoring can help before you hire one. The most common, and obvious, reason that parents enlist the support of a tutor is to help their child. It doesn’t matter whether the child is struggling or needs a boost to excel further, the one-on-one personalized sessions are invaluable. Keep reading to find out just how valuable this can be for students and parents alike. Teacher or Tutor? The terms teacher and tutor are often thrown around interchangeably, but ‘teacher’ isn’t just a tutor synonym. There are a few key differences when it comes to what they actually do. Both have a student’s best interests at heart and work incredibly hard to help each student reach their individual academic potential. However, due to the nature of their work, strategies and outcomes will often vary. First, let’s look at the role and responsibility of teachers; Teachers must follow a set curriculum and provide learning opportunities to many children at a time. Teachers need to develop a ‘best-fit’ teaching strategy. This means that their lessons aim to try and cater for a variety of needs and abilities. Whilst every care is taken to ensure this is done, it is inevitable that some students won’t receive the exact information they need. Teachers will guide students to reach particular targets. These should be achieved within a certain time frame, but it is hard to monitor and record. On the other hand, What Does a Tutor Do?  They work with small groups or, most commonly, with individuals. This allows for the lesson to cater exactly for the student’s needs. It can also be adapted as the lessons progress depending on the understanding of the students. Tutors follow the lead of their students. Lessons are designed around what the student needs to work on or what they what to achieve. They often reinforce what has been taught in the classroom, allowing for content to really be absorbed by the student. You Might Also Be Interested In: How to Study Math: 35 Math Tips You Should Know Role of a Tutor There really aren’t too many down sides to tutoring or having the help of someone. It is equally beneficial for struggling students right through to high achievers. Here are some of the top reasons why tutoring is helpful and what role a tutor can play: Improves academic performance â€" this one is obvious, but it is important to remember that these improvements may bring a student up from the bottom of the class, or push a middle student to the top. Boosts self esteem â€" when a student learns and understands the content being taught to them they gain confidence. This confidence is valuable not just in the classroom and around test time, but will also filter into other aspects of their lives. Caters for individual needs â€" the one-on-one sessions are designed to meet the specific needs for that individual student. Unlike a classroom scenario, a tutor can continue to work with the student until they fully understand the content. Offers a different perspective â€" in subjects such as math, there are often various ways to reach the same answer. A teacher doesn’t always have the time to explain concepts differently to each student therefore many children miss out. A tutor has the time to explain and re-explain a question and technique until it makes sense to the student. Encourages communication â€" when working with a tutor, students must learn to communicate their needs and ask questions. This helps them build a different type of relationship than those with their parents, friends and teachers. Teaches problem solving skills â€" when students are guided they can learn to think for themselves in a way that provides them with skills they will use later in life. Helps understand standardized tests â€" even the smartest students can struggle with these unique tests. A tutor can provide clarity on the format of standardized tests and the type of questions asked, as well as providing feedback on practice questions. Detailed and specific feedback â€" due to the one-on-one nature of tutoring sessions, students will receive feedback that is specific to them and their goals. Quite often this feedback is immediate, helping students to continue to improve at a faster rate than they would in the classroom. Consolidates learning â€" if a tutoring session complements what is taught in the classroom, students will be able to store the information for longer and will have greater chance of regurgitating the information when it is needed, such as during a test. A tutor is neither a teacher or a parent â€" children will respond differently when working with a tutor. Teachers are highly qualified, but are catering for the needs of the group. Parents, while having a child’s best interests at heart, do not have the training to teach the content effectively. Children can also be stubborn creatures and enlisting the help of mom or dad is often not the done thing. A tutor sits somewhere in the middle of teacher and parent, and will provide surprisingly positive results. Less embarrassment â€" quite often students are hesitant to ask questions in class out of fear of sounding stupid. This severely hinders their learning as they may never fully understand the content and concepts being taught. Working alone with a tutor eliminates this fear and students can ask any type of question at any point during the session. Can take place in a different learning environment â€" you can find a tutor online to cater for your needs and the sessions can also take place online. Learning from the comfort of home can often support students as it is an environment they are familiar with. Using screens and technology often engages younger learners more than traditional teaching methods. Eliminates learning loss over holiday periods â€" by continually using a tutor throughout the year, you eliminate any ‘periods of no learning’. Students can continue to learn, or use the time to consolidate learning of practice test-style questions. Now that you know what is a tutor and what does a tutor do, you can decide what you or your child needs to excel this year! Finding the right help to get the results that you want is critical to your success.   Good luck and please let us know how we can help. We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

How Can a Tutor Help when Revising for Exams

How Can a Tutor Help when Revising for Exams Every student is different, so there is nothing more valuable than having a personal tutor to help develop a personalised plan, bespoke to your child's learning style and timetable. Here are top tutor  Mark Maclaine's  main benefits of working with a private tutor when revising for exams: Help organise revision and prepare a timetable (which can help reduce exam stress). Cut through all the unimportant details and help a student get a good overview and focused revision topics. Identify what a student has already learnt, and fine tune areas that may need more work. A fresh pair of eyes  that  can help spot any mistakes early! Enable students to manage their own revising timetable. Someone to turn to with difficult questions while revising. Acting as a coach, a tutor will help set deadlines, encourage and motivate your child to work on their own. Share great exam and revising techniques. Know where to find great resources that will help with revision. Regular testing and using knowledge is an incredibly powerful learning tool. Tutors act as a sounding board and can help a student excel!

Online Research Whats Legit - TutorNerds

Online Research What’s Legit - TutorNerds Private Orange County Tutor Tips: Online Research: What’s Legit? Private Orange County Tutor Tips: Online Research: What’s Legit? These days the vast majority of High School research is done online. Although this makes life much more convenient and cuts down the amount of time students spend on study, it does present a new set of problems. Students who used tangible sources of information in past generations, such as books and texts, were able to concretely determine which sources were 100% legitimate, with an expert author and reliable supports, and which sources were written by somebody who had no business putting a text in a library. However, todays students will have a harder time determining which sources are good to site or use for a research project and which are unsupported. 1. A balanced source recognizes a counter argument A truly balanced force will recognize a counter argument. This means that although they lean towards option A, they recognize option B (or idea B) as a valid point. On the other hand, authors who completely tear down the opposing opinions without giving any reason or support are writing their own terrible thesis statement. If a student comes across one of these sources, they are probably viewing a personal opinion blog or website. Although theres nothing wrong with personal opinions, without a balanced viewpoint or supporting details, they should never be viewed as fact or cited for research (READ: Tips from an Irvine Academic Tutor: 5 Homework Help Online Tools). 2. The title means a lot In most cases the title is an indication of the legitimacy of a particular source. For instance, Science News Weekly sounds a lot more credible than Joes Super Awesome Science Blog.  Although Joes Super Awesome Science Blog can probably be discounted straight away, it doesnt mean that Science News Weekly is automatically credible. However, it does help students eliminate potential bogus sites right off the bat. 3. A legitimate source always cites their sources Its also important to remember that any real source will also cite their sources. Science and psychology journals will have a long list of sources used as well as a list of studies that were referred to within the article. News magazines will provide information such as dates, names, places, and specific details timely to the issue. If a student is reading about a science experiment with no mention of sources or a news article that is highly generalized and does not refer to a specific event, theyre probably looking at a bogus source or a personal opinion blog. 4. Many respectable sources have been around awhile Students are also encouraged to look at resources that have been around for awhile. Research material from philosophy magazines to art journals to IT articles are generally more credible if they were around prior to the advent of online sources. This isnt to say that newer publications arent entirely legitimate, but if a source has been around for 25 years, it has probably gained respect and a reputation within the academic community (READ: 4 Apps to Help with Concentration). 5. Look at the authors bio for clues If a student thinks they have found a good source, they can further determine its credibility by looking at the author’s bio. If the author is talking about a new cancer treatment and they hold an MD from Yale and have published 50 essays regarding cancer research in respected medical journals, the student has probably found a decent source.  Alternatively, if the author is discussing the same topic but has no work experience or degree in this field, its probably another personal opinion article. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write. utilizes WordPress 3.0 Technology to Distribute Social Media utilizes WordPress 3.0 Technology to Distribute Social Media Port Hueneme, California, March 1st, 2011 Tutorz utilizes WordPress 3.0 technology to distribute social media to parents, students and tutors. This new feature released today is designed to improve the generation, distribution and consumption of information about tutoring, about the company and its products. The integration WordPress 3.0 into the experience?says Dirk Wagner CEO of our users and our developers. WordPress is chimp simple, allows for rapid web development and deployment, and provides rich features. Integrating with WordPress also benefits the bottom line of and its savings are passed on to the users. It is not without reason that is completely free to parents and students while other tutoring service sites charge steep fees. Tutorz platform helps students and parents freely and easily network to find a tutor over the Internet. The search engine maintains a simple and clean construction. Site users looking for homework help, test preparation, and other tutor help have the option to search by keyword or subject (Math, English, Science, etc) and area (Brooklyn, Houston, Ohio). The search engine currently lists over 30,000 tutor profiles nationwide, a number that is expanding daily. Tutoring information is compiled into easy to read tutor profiles that include certifications, credentials, professional experience, awards, degrees, references, pictures, location, and peer reviews. Relevance ranking and filters empower students to quickly hone in to the perfect tutor. Tutors listed in the Tutorz directory cover academic studies including math, English, physics, business, biology, chemistry and many more. For additional information on contact Dirk Wagner at ABOUT Tutorz Founded in July of 2006 by Dirk Wagner operates a tutor referral service that helps parents and students find educational tutors. Currently Tutorz is based out of Port Hueneme and is a privately owned limited liability corporation (LLC) with four employees. The site provides listings of over 25,000 tutors nationwide.